How to Pick the Right Supplements

How to Pick the Right Supplements

Amid the myriad of supplements available in the market, we need a guideline to choose the right supplements for our dogs, horses, and other companions. Simply adding every nutrient in the diet does not help, because too much is just as bad as too little. Thus, let’s...
Balance is Key to Good Nutrition

Balance is Key to Good Nutrition

Are fats and sugar enemies to good nutrition? Which dog food is the best: grain-free or grain? You might be confused with trending information overflowing around the internet. The key is not what nutrients to include or exclude but how balanced the meal and...
What is Camelina Oil?

What is Camelina Oil?

Camelina Sativa The name “Wild Gold” originated from Camelina Sativa, sometimes referred to as “gold-of-pleasure” because of its golden yellow flowers. Camelina Sativa is native to Europe and Central Asia, having been cultivated in these regions for over 2,500 years,...
Camelina Oil for Dogs: Healthier Skin & Coat

Camelina Oil for Dogs: Healthier Skin & Coat

Omega-3 Omega fatty acids are an essential supplement to your pet’s diet because the body does not naturally produce them. Since the cells that make up the skin and coat are composed of protein and fatty acids, the lack of omega fatty acids and protein can result in...
Camelina Oil: The ultimate supplement to equine diets

Camelina Oil: The ultimate supplement to equine diets

Horses cannot naturally produce fatty acids themselves and benefit from additional supplements to boost omega-3 and omega-6 acids through their diet. A balanced diet rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids helps to prevent inflammation and other health issues. It is...