Omega-3 fatty acids are fats that are critical in the functioning of the cell membrane as well as contribute to a variety of other significant health benefits. The three most important types of omega-3s are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). 

Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, is mostly found in fish and seafood. DHA has a variety of benefits including fighting inflammation, brain development, improving heart health, promoting better vision, and preventing or alleviating allergies. 

Eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that acts as a precursor to prostaglandins, which are important fats that contribute to critical processes such as blood flow. Other health benefits related to EPA include lowering cardiovascular disease, fighting inflammation, & supporting muscle recovery. 

As opposed to the other “marine” omega-3s, ALA comes from plant sources such as camelina oil, flax seed, soybean oil, and more. ALA is the “parent molecule” of the omega-3, and is linked to improving cardiovascular function, protecting cell structure and function, and preventing inflammation and diseases. ALA can be converted into DHA & EPA, but in minimal amounts. 

Do I need a supplement of omega-3 fatty acids for my horse?
Most equine diets are typically high in omega-6 fatty acids and low in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered “essential” meaning the body does not produce it and therefore it must be consumed. Because of this, most equines benefit from an omega-3 fatty acid supplement. While there’s a variety of oils that contain omega-3 fatty acids and can be used as a supplement, Wild Gold’s camelina oil is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well is very palatable for horses, has a long shelf life, and is easily digestible. 

Shop our equine camelina oil supplements as well as other products here.